

Today at 2.05 pm we got the call we had awaited. “Mr Woods? Yeah, this is Chris from PCS Legal – just wanted to let you know the sale has completed. Congratulations.”

What started as a mind map (weighing up the pros and cons of selling outright vs selling and moving vs renovation vs inertia) had now transformed into the conclusion of a condensed rush of mini-renovation, stress, listings, stress, viewings, stress, conveyancing and some more stress.

I’d been (half) joking with Sarah about changing my mind over the last few weeks, leaning on her entirely (as per) to constantly assure me that it was the right move for us to make. I appreciate this may or may not seem like a big deal based on your experiences, but for me (an introverted homebody) this was quite the sizeable deal…

Winter and Layla in the car full of our final few posessions.

Only time will tell if this was the right choice, leaving behind our home of 6-years to go house-hopping and travelling, leaving Winter our darling cat with family and taking our big softy Layla with us. However, as of right now I’m feeling hopeful. The waves of panic and anxiety are slowly being replaced with excitement and anticipation.

To conclude this post, I thought I’d finish with my reflection on why I feel like we might be on to a winner with this mad idea. I read about Tony Robbins’ 6 Human Needs for the first time a month ago, and I looked at each of the 6 and what this new lifestyle might mean for us:

  • Certainty We’ll be alright! We’re not going into a conflict zone and we have the campervan if we get caught without a roof for the night.
  • Uncertainty We’re not going to know what every single day will bring. Routine will be broken each time we move, our shops will change, our walkies will change. Who knows what each place will bring.
  • Signficance We’re doing something out of the ordinary. Most people don’t sell their home and donate all their stuff. Is that Significant? I don’t know. But it’s certainly different!
  • Connection & Love We’ve got each other and all of our old routine distractions are being thrown away. We’ll have to reassess how to stay connected to our loved ones from further away, but I think we’ll make the effort.
  • Growth We’ll be pushed into new environments and have to adapt to them! We’ll have to grow, or give up on this plan and run home.
  • Contribution I’m not sure how we’ll create a positive contribution as we travel, for me at least it’s mostly self-serving! I like to think we’ll find some opportunities to do something good. 🤞🤞🤞 Stay tuned I guess

Stay safe out there,